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Selection Sort

  • Runtime: O( n**2) Average and Worst Case. Memory: 0 (1)
  • Find the smallest element using a linear scan and move it to the front (swapping it with the front element).
  • Then, find the second smallest and move it, again doing a linear scan. Continue doing this until all the elements are in place.

  • The selection-sort algorithm is a poor choice in any application, since it runs in O ( n** 2) time even in the best case.
def SortWithSelection(array):
last = len(array)
for i in range(0, last):
minimum = findMin(array, i, last)
indexMin = array.index(minimum)
array[i], array[indexMin] = array[indexMin], array[i]
return array

def findMin(array, intial, last):
minimum = array[intial]
for i in range(intial, last):
if array[i] < minimum:
minimum = array[i]
return minimum

print(SortWithSelection([7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]))